Palmolive 20 oz. $2.38
AJAX .99
Dawn (I forgot to look at sizes)
Smallest bottle $1.10
Large Bottle $1.99
Gain dish detergent
Cascade-Large bottle $4.39
Finish Gelpacs $2.99(use .75/1 makes it $2.25)
Finish Powerball $2.99(use .75/1 makes it $2.25)
Palmolive Eco Dishwasher detergent $3.63
Soft scrub gel $1.65
Soft scrub lemon $1.99
Peter Pan peanut butter(smallest tub) 1.59
Skippy(smallest tub) 2.23
Jif (smallest tub) 1.65
Bic Soreil razors $3.81 (-$3 off Bic Soleil disposable or System razor, SS 5/01) you could pay .81 per set of razors :)
Cottonelle flushable wipes 1.59
Scotts flushable wipes 1.45
scotch brite scrubbing pad .78
cottonelle Aloe & E toilet paper
6 double rolls- 3.19
12 double rolls-6.99
Dial Soap Bars 1.39
Benefiber(16 sticks) 4.52
Zantac 75(4 tablets) 1.69
Is this for the commissary?