Wednesday, October 19, 2011

FAQ about the Commissary

Can you stack coupons at the commissary?

No! A Commissary coupon is actually a manufacturer coupon. These cannot be stacked. 

Can you special order?

Yes. Special orders can be made at the customer service window. You will need to know how many Units and/or how many cases you want to order and you will also need the UPC number to give to the employee who is taking your order. 

How long do special orders take to arrive?

This varies from a few days on up...This will depend on how many people have ordered, how much the warehouse has in stock, etc. 

Does the commissary take Spanish coupons?

Yes, as long as the English translation is on the coupon as well. 

Does the coupon allow overages?

Yes :) 

Does the coupon take Internet Printed coupons? 

Yes, and they do not have to be in color. They can be in black/white! The only internet printed coupons they will not take are ones for free items that do not require a purchase. 

Does the commissary double coupons?

No. The commissary can't make/lose money so they cannot double coupons. 

Does the commissary price match?

No. The commissary can't make/lose money so they cannot price match. 

Can you use a buy one get one coupon and another coupon for the item you are paying full price for?


Do commissaries accept Walgreens Register Rewards?

Yes, as long as they do not state, Redeemable ONLY at Walgreens. 

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