Good Morning y'all! We have some important changes that are happening to the insert deal. The information below will give you the exact dates, changes, etc.
The ones who have them mailed to them will continue to receive their inserts like normal and will still be billed and nothing will change.
For the ones who pick up weekly, I am doing away with the billing and it will be first come, first serve each week. I've been spending 6 hours every two weeks on invoices just for monthly billing and want to spend time concentrating on other things then sending invoices out constantly. I will list the inserts each week and will almost always sell in sets like I do now.
I will have them listed each week ahead of time and they will be cheaper on Monday and Tuesday then the price will increase on Wednesday, Thursday and Friday.
I can still ship and the fee will stay at the following amount:
Up to 25 inserts-$5
Over 25 inserts-$10.50
All invoices up to November 6th will be sent out and from then on out, they will be handled as described above. If you have paid past November 6th, your inserts will be held for you just like normal. The first set of inserts will be listed on November 7th for the November 13th inserts.
Pickup Times will continue has they have been so if you place an order for inserts, you have the option of paying for shipping(which will have to be invoiced separately) or you have the option to pick them up like I have always done.
Times will continue to be posted on both my CouponingMama Facebook Page and Coupon Inserts Facebook Fan Page.
Please e-mail any questions you have to
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