Saturday, July 2, 2011

How the binder even will work on July 7th-PLEASE READ IF YOU ARE ATTENDING

This binder event will work a little different than the last one. We are trying to make it bigger and better to help all of us out! Here's out it will work:

1. There will be a sign in sheet at you walk through the doors of the gym this time. We think there were around 200 people that showed up last time but because we didn't keep up with the numbers, we have no idea how many people actually came in went. We do ask that you just sign your name. If you want to be on the email list for future events, you can put your email down as well. 

2. CHILDCARE-There will be no childcare this time. You can bring children BUT they must be supervised at ALL times. This means no leaving them in the play room because so many children went wild during the last event and ran all over the building. If you're child is left attended, you will be asked to leave. We hate to have to put these stipulations in but we have to be on top of this so that we can continue to get the Ardennes community center and to assure that nothing is broken and/or kids do not get hurt or lost. I had to give a personal check to Picerne to reserve the building and I will be one UNHAPPY person if I have to pay for something that someone elses child broke because they were not being paid attention to. 

3. Everything is completely FREE at this event. There will be snacks/drinks in the multi-purpose room and tables so that you can sit down and make binders and/or fill them. 

4. We will have three sessions at this event as well. 
     10:30am- Food Lion 15 minute session
     11:00am-Walgreens 20 minutes session 
      12:45pm-Mr. Hamilton from the North Post commissary will be with us to discuss Ethical couponing and other information about DeCA and couponing at the commissary. 

5. We have added the stockpile trade. You can find info on this in the post below this one. 

6. We will be doing the give aways at 10:15, 11:15 and 12:15. On top of the regular giveaways, there will be two larger giveaways. One giveaway will be for a larger goody basket-to be entered in this, you will need to bring a baby item-wipes, etc. These will be donated to an FRG on Fort Bragg to be given out to all the expectant mothers. The second giveaway will be for another large goody basket-to be entered in this, you will need to bring one non perishable food item-canned food, boxed food, snack food, etc. This will help us to continue to be able to giveaway nice goody baskets during our future events! Two two large baskets will be given away at 12:30pm. You do not have to be present to win. 

7. If you have expired coupons, please have them separated from your non expired ones. They do not have to be separated any other way. They can be already clipped or still in inserts. We only want the ones from April to present time. 

8. If you are bringing in non expired coupons to trade, please have them separated in the categories listed under the the tab "how to make a coupon binder" on the main page of this blog. We will have a box for non separated coupons as well but these will not be placed on the tables until they have been separated. 

9. You are not required to bring any coupons at all but it's always nice to add to the pile that we have available! 

We are always in need of volunteers so if you are interested, please message me on facebook or comment under here with your email address! 

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